In case you missed it...
If you didn't make it to the live session, that's okay!
We have the recordings available for purchase. All recordings are of our live classes, but do not include our Q&A at the end to protect our participants' privacy.
Recorded classes are $60.

Sexpectations Part 1
Explore concepts such as desire, arousal, and normalcy when it comes to your own individual sexuality.

Building Partnership
Learn about concepts like invisible work, mental load, and hidden messages that cause conflict with communication and leave people feeling alone.​

Money & Relationships
Learn what makes talking about money so hard in relationships, what are the mindsets that come into relationships, how they are shaped by our histories, and how to learn to work collaboratively on making a money plan.

Parenting 101
What's the biggest challenge many couples will face during their time together? Coparenting! Comes learn a little about the impact of parenting on a couple, review some child development that will help ease the chaos of parenting, and how to build skills together to make this phase one of humor and job instead of stress on your relationship.

Sexpectations Part 2
Come learn how to take what you've learned about yourself and build a helpful dance with your sexual partner.

All Things Boundaries
It's become quite the buzz word and you hear people talking about their boundaries and setting or not crossing boundaries. Come learn what boundaries really are, what they mean to relationships, and how to implement well-thought out boundaries that keep relationships AND the individual doing well.

Anxiety & Relationships
Anxiety occurs in approximately 2 out of 3 individuals in the US. Anxiety is often misunderstood and treating it can be tricky. Come learn about how anxiety both impacts the individual and how anxiety impacts a couple. Learn how to be supportive but also focus on your own work and relationship work to build a healthier self and healthier relationship.

Supporting a Partner thru Depression
How do you keep your relationship going when mental health challenges become a part of the dynamic? Come learn how to support a partner who is struggling, take care of yourself and still work on your relationship.

Communication for Connection
Learn the nuts and bolts not always discussed when learning how to communicate with those you love the most.

Sexpectations Part 3
This class follows our parts 1 and 2 in learning about how to keep the sexual spark burning in a relationship, recognize the obstacles, and building protections against expectations and everyday challenges across the lifespan.

Let's Talk People Pleasing
People pleasing is a learned practice in securing your value. Come learn with us the impact that people pleasing has on the self and the relationship along with learning ways to move away from these types of behaviors that don't serve you or ultimately your ability to be have healthy relationships.

Grief & Loss
Life comes with some challenges that we will all eventually face. Grief is not something that can be avoided but is a painful journey we will all go through and watch our loved ones wrestle with.
Why talk about it in the context of relationships? Grief can greatly impact our relationships as it impacts our mental health and functioning.